Scrollable Component


1. Call the perfectScrollbar-function after the page has loaded
                  <const ps = new PerfectScrollbar('#container') >

Below have options that you can use with Scrollable :

Scrollable options Class Description
Vertical Scroll .vertical-scroll To add vertical scrollbar to content.
Horizontal Scroll .horizontal-scroll To add horizontal scrollbar to content.
Always visible scroll .always-visible To make the scrollbar always visible. Scrollbars are shown on hover and hidden by default.
Scrollbar With Margins .large-margin To have large margins on both sides.

Some more options with scrollable are :

  • Minimum Scrollbar Length
  • Different scrollbar handlers:'click-rail', 'drag-scrollbar', 'keyboard', 'wheel', 'touch'
  • Wheel speed changes, etc...

Referrals :

Type URL
Plugin Page
Template Page